Friday, February 20, 2009

Alex Makes a Phone Call

I was sitting on the couch downstairs with Alex yesterday after work. He was having a fun time climbing and jumping around. Eventually, he saw the telephone on the back of the couch and grabbed it. I let him investigate if for a little while. Then he started pushing random buttons. I decided to take it away from him, and he put up a fight. We wrestled for it, and when I finally took it from him, I hung it up. It immediately rang. I answered it and the person on the other end said, "This is 911 emergency. We received a call from this number. Do you have an emergency?" Bad baby! Bad baby!


Greg said...

Ooh, bad bad baby!!

Anonymous said...

yikes! Elly called information (411) just a few days ago. you can really get in trouble for calling 911!

Pat MacKenzie said...

I think the operators understand the nature of 'bad babies'. They consider the parents bad for letting the babies play with the phone.

Anonymous said...

Micah called 911 this weekend on Daddy's Blackberry too.